Her nickname Polly, unconventional for a plant, is similarly extraordinary as her eye-catching and charming appearance, because the arrow-shaped leaves of this rare Alocasia show a strikingly wavy border as they mature, which makes them an extravagant eye-catcher along with their contrasting prominent leaf veins.
The product photos show examples of the plant. You will receive a specimen that matches the product photos in size, shape and colouring.
• Delivery: in 8cm pot
• Growth type: upright
• Origin: Borneo
• Other names: Elephant ear, Arrowleaf, Taro
Ben's tips on plant care:
• Habitat/Light requirements: bright, indirect sunlight.
• Substrate: peat-free potting soil, Ben's Syngonium & Alocasia Soil
• Temperature: optimal at 24° C (day), 18° C (night)
• Watering: keep moist and water as soon as the top layer of substrate starts to dry, but avoid waterlogging
• Humidity: needs high humidity, place in bathroom or use humidifier
• Nutrient addition: in spring/summer every 2 weeks with organic fertiliser. Fertilise moderately with organic liquid fertiliser.
• Repot approx. every 2 years, when the soil is densely rooted. Make sure that the plant has good drainage.